How long does the arm lift operation last?

It often happens that people gain and lose weight during different stages of our lives. Many times, the consequences of this can be long lasting and have unwanted effects. One of the most common problems occurs in the area of ​​​​the arms, since when changing the weight, excess fat and hanging skin usually appear. This can be very frustrating for many people and in many cases it is impossible to reduce with exercises. For this reason, there are some surgical solutions to improve the appearance of the arms and make them look firmer and more toned. We will answer all questions about this treatment and how long the arm lift operation lasts.

What is an arm lift?

First of all, we have to know what the arm lift or brachioplasty consists of. It is a surgical intervention that aims to remove excess skin and fat in the arm area, especially the one that hangs below. These are often called "bat wings" and are very common in patients who have recently lost weight. It can also be useful to reduce asymmetries between both arms and outline a more defined shape. Arm lift surgery has several benefits, especially in the body image that is outlined from the arms. This can be essential for self-esteem and acceptance of one's own body to gain confidence. In addition, the presence of humidity is reduced, improving hygiene and the bad smell that can occur in the area. Stretch marks on the skin are also eliminated and allows the use of different garments that possibly could not be used before. In addition to knowing how long the arm lift Miami operation takes, it is also important to know about the procedure before undergoing surgery. Basically, one or more incisions are made in the lower arm that allow fat removal. In addition, the excess skin that may be left over from weight loss is removed. There are many types of procedures, depending on how severe the patient's condition is, although in general they all consist of the same logic. Of course, before any procedure of this type, a consultation with specialist doctors is necessary. Make an appointment at our clinic to obtain more information and advice on the best treatment for your case.

How long does the arm lift operation take

Before surgery, doctors make identifying marks on the part of the arm to be removed. The most common is to make incisions on the inside and outside of the arm, although it is also possible that they are made in the armpit or even up to the elbow, depending on the case. The surgery can then be performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on which method is used. The surgeon enters the area through the marked incisions and removes all the material that he considers necessary. Once this is done, he tightens the skin to make it firm and proceeds with the suture. The whole procedure is carried out at the same time. Fat removal may include liposuction in the area, and this takes a little longer to process. How long the arm lift operation lasts can vary according to the complexity of the case, but it is usually between 2 and 3 hours from start to finish. From that moment, the recovery process begins. During the first few days, it is common for patients to experience some pain, which can be controlled with medication. The arms will also be bandaged to decrease movement and improve healing.

How long does the arm lift operation last and its effects

Over the next few weeks, the pain will subside as the bruising and swelling subside. The stitches and bandages will also be removed in about 2 weeks. During that time, you can also return to work and other normal activities. After a month, they can begin to exercise progressively, until they return to the normal level. As long as the arm lift operation lasts regarding the results, it is considered permanent. This does not imply that an increase in weight cannot generate a new condition similar to the previous one. Make a consultation with our professionals so that they can evaluate and recommend the best treatment for your case.

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