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Facelift in Miami (Rhytidectomy)

As of this writing, facelift or rhytidectomy is one of Miami’s most requested plastic surgery due to its benefits. It is the sixth most commonly performed plastic surgery procedure being administered primarily to diminish saggy skin, wrinkles, and any signs of aging. Its claim-to-fame comes because it is an effective plastic surgery procedure if you want to look younger and feel energized without frozen, unnatural, or stretched outcomes that are associated with other facelift procedures that could last for decades and more.

If you have plans to undergo plastic surgery, it can be overwhelming to find a suitable option for you. However, many have ideas about facelift and what it could bring to the table, especially on your overall appearance. If you are curious about what facelift or rhytidectomy in Miami could bring, Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgeon in Miami gives you an overview of plastic surgery, including its benefits, procedures, what to prepare, risks, and complications.

What is facelift or rhytidectomy?

Medically known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a plastic surgery procedure that is administered to provide you a younger appearance on your face. It can also significantly reduce sagging or folds on your jawline and cheeks, and other changes in the shape of your face that gradually occur as you grow older.

During a facelift or rhytidectomy plastic surgery procedure, a flap of skin on each side of your face will be pulled back, and the tissues that are located below your skin are altered surgically to return the contour of your face, giving you a more youthful shape. Before it is closed, the excess skin will first be removed.

However, facelift or rhytidectomy will not decrease wrinkles or fine creases in your skin or damage caused by sun exposure. Other plastic surgery procedures can address the appearance or quality of your skin itself.

Am I a candidate for facelift surgery?

Although facelift or rhytidectomy is a state-of-the-art plastic surgery technique that can give you a more natural outcome, not everyone is ideal to undergo the plastic surgery procedure. The plastic procedure is relatively fast, but hot everyone is suitable to undergo a facelift. You are ideal candidates to undergo facelift or rhytidectomy in Miami if you:
  • Have an overall good health condition. A healthy condition ensures a more desirable outcome, safety, and well-being throughout the process. It will also help you in an efficient recovery period afterward. You may not be an ideal candidate if you are currently suffering from certain medical conditions. It makes plastic surgery risky on your part and eventually interferes with the results and healing process.
  • Have good skin elasticity and a strong bone structure. If you have a rigid bone structure, good skin elasticity, and have loose skin on your neck and face, you are most likely an ideal candidate for facelift or rhytidectomy. The plastic surgery procedure itself will stretch your facial skin to remove your wrinkles. Having flexible skin will allow you to recover quickly following the procedure. On the other hand, having a good bone structure is beneficial in achieving a better outcome as a rigid structure provides support to your skin. If you have a weak facial feature, you may opt to undergo dermal fillers to significantly enhance the structure of your face.
  • Are not smoking or willing to quit it. If you are a heavy smoker, you are not a good candidate to undergo a facelift or rhytidectomy. Smoking can have a detrimental effect and you are put at high risk when you will undergo a general anesthetic. If you are smoking excessively, Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgeon in Miami will recommend you to stop smoking for at least two months before you undergo the actual plastic surgery procedure. Smoking slows down your healing process following the procedure.

What are the benefits of having a facelift or rhytidectomy in Miami?

When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Spera, your facelift or rhytidectomy can do great things. Some benefits of this plastic surgery procedure include:

  • It can significantly lift and tighten your sagging skin;
  • It can provide you an energetic, youthful, and invigorated facial appearance;
  • It can minimize excess fats;
  • It can remove your wrinkles or frown lines; and
  • It can remove that obscure in your jawline.

However, there are different variations of facelift or rhytidectomy plastic surgery procedures. All of which are designed to achieve aesthetic objectives. The ideal option for you will be determined by Dr. Spera at your discretion.

We look forward to discussing with you the benefits of facelift or rhytidectomy plastic surgery procedure on your initial consultation.

How is a facelift or rhytidectomy procedure performed?

A facelift or a rhytidectomy in Miami can be done either in the hospital or an outpatient surgical facility. Before the procedure, Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgeon in Miami will involve sedation and local anesthesia, which numbs only a certain part of your body. In other cases, general anesthesia is recommended, which renders you unconscious on the actual procedure itself.

Generally, a facelift or rhytidectomy plastic surgery procedure involves elevating your skin and tightening your underlying muscles and tissues. The fats in your face and neck may be removed, sculpted, or redistributed in some parts of your body. Some of your facial skin is then re-draped over the newly repositioned contours on your face, and excess skin is removed, and the wounds are stitched or taped closed.

The incision in the plastic surgery procedure mostly depends on the surgical technique that will be used by the plastic surgeon and the preference of the patient. The options include:

  • Traditional facelift incision. It starts at your temple in your hairline, and continues down and around the front of your ears, and ends behind your ears in your lower scalp. An incision might be made under your chin, which can improve your overall neck appearance.
  • Limited incision. It is a shorter incision that begins in your hairline above your ear and wraps around the front of your ear. However, it doesn’t extend into your lower scalp.
  • Neck lift incision. It starts in front of your earlobe and continues around your ear down to your lower scalp. A small incision will be made also under your chin.

Usually, a facelift or rhytidectomy in Miami takes from two to four hours but might take longer; other plastic surgery procedures are done simultaneously.

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How do I prepare for a facelift or rhytidectomy in Miami?

A facelift or a rhytidectomy in Miami can be done either in the hospital or an outpatient surgical facility. Before the procedure, Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgeon in Miami will involve sedation and local anesthesia, which numbs only a certain part of your body. In other cases, general anesthesia is recommended, which renders you unconscious on the actual procedure itself.

Generally, a facelift or rhytidectomy plastic surgery procedure involves elevating your skin and tightening your underlying muscles and tissues. The fats in your face and neck may be removed, sculpted, or redistributed in some parts of your body. Some of your facial skin is then re-draped over the newly repositioned contours on your face, and excess skin is removed, and the wounds are stitched or taped closed.

The incision in the plastic surgery procedure mostly depends on the surgical technique that will be used by the plastic surgeon and the preference of the patient. The options include:

  • Traditional facelift incision. It starts at your temple in your hairline, and continues down and around the front of your ears, and ends behind your ears in your lower scalp. An incision might be made under your chin, which can improve your overall neck appearance.
  • Limited incision. It is a shorter incision that begins in your hairline above your ear and wraps around the front of your ear. However, it doesn’t extend into your lower scalp.
  • Neck lift incision. It starts in front of your earlobe and continues around your ear down to your lower scalp. A small incision will be made also under your chin.

Usually, a facelift or rhytidectomy in Miami takes from two to four hours but might take longer; other plastic surgery procedures are done simultaneously.

How do I prepare for a facelift or rhytidectomy in Miami?

Before you undergo the actual plastic surgery procedure itself, there are some preparations that you need to do. At your initial consultation, Dr. Spera will talk about facelift or rhytidectomy. The consultation will likely include:

  • Getting your medical history and examination. You should be well-prepared to answer some questions about your past and current medical conditions, as well as your previous surgeries, plastic surgery, complications from it, history of smoking, and alcohol use. Dr. Spera will also do a physical examination. He may request you to present your recent records from your doctor or order a consultation with a specialist if there are underlying concerns and conditions about your ability to undergo the plastic surgery procedure.
  • Take medication reviews. During the initial consultation, you also need to identify all dosages of medications that you take regularly, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, herbal medications, vitamins, and other dietary supplements.
  • Undergo facial examination. Spera will also capture some pictures of your face from different angles and close-up photos of some of your features. He will also examine your bone structure, the shape of your face, fat distribution, and the quality of your skin to determine what is the ideal option for your facelift or rhytidectomy surgery.
  • Discusses expectations. Spera will also ask questions regarding your expectations on facelift or rhytidectomy. He will help you understand how the plastic surgery procedure will likely change your appearance and what it does not address, such as fine wrinkles or naturally occurring facial asymmetry.

What are the risks and potential complications of a facelift in Miami?

A facelift or rhytidectomy can also pose risks and complications. Some of these can be managed with appropriate care and surgical corrections. Permanent or long-term complications, while rare, can cause a change in your facial appearance. The risks include:

  • It is the accumulation of blood under your skin that can cause swelling and pressure. It is the most common complication for facelift or rhytidectomy. It usually occurs within 24 hours following the plastic surgery procedure, but it is treated promptly to prevent skin damage and other tissues.
  • Scars from the facelift incision are permanent. However, they are being concealed in your hairline and natural contours of your face and ear. These incisions rarely result in raised and red scars. Injections of a corticosteroid medication or other treatment may be administered to improve your scar appearance.
  • Nerve injury. While it is only rare, it can temporarily or permanently affect your nerves that control muscle sensations.
  • Hair loss. You might experience temporary or permanent hair loss, especially near your incision site.
  • Skin loss. Facelift or rhytidectomy can interrupt the blood supply to your facial tissues, which can result in skin loss or sloughing.

These are just some risks and complications that you can get from a facelift plastic surgery procedure. Learn more from Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgeon in Miami for other risks during your initial consultation.

How long does it take to recover from facelift or rhytidectomy In Miami?

It may take you six to eight weeks following your facelift or rhytidectomy to fully healed. During the recovery process, swelling, bruising, and numbness will be evident days after the plastic surgery and typically lasts for one to two weeks. Many patients resume their work after two weeks. Dr. Spera recommends you avoid attending social events for two months to ensure a healthy healing process.

Why choose us?

Facelift or rhytidectomy is truly a wonderful facial enhancer, as it provides you a younger appearance on your face. If you are planning to undergo this plastic surgery procedure, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgeon in Miami through the contact information provided below. We can reduce sagging or folds on your jawline and cheeks, and other changes in the shape of your face that gradually occur as you grow older. We are looking forward to seeking you soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Face Lift, medically known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to counteract the signs of aging by tightening the skin and underlying tissues of the face and neck. Dr. Carlos Spera offers this transformative surgery to individuals seeking to restore a youthful contour, reduce sagging, and diminish wrinkles, ensuring a refreshed and revitalized appearance.

If you’re experiencing sagging skin, deep wrinkles, jowls, or a double chin due to aging or weight loss and desire a more youthful and firm facial contour, a Face Lift might be ideal for you. It’s essential to be in good health, have realistic expectations, and be committed to the recovery process. A consultation with Dr. Spera will provide a comprehensive assessment.

Dr. Spera employs advanced surgical techniques tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Incisions are typically made around the hairline and ears, allowing access to tighten the underlying facial muscles and remove excess skin. The skin is then redraped, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Post-surgery, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. Drains may be placed to remove excess fluid, and bandages will support the healing process. Most individuals can return to daily activities within 2 weeks, with more strenuous activities resumed after 4-6 weeks. Dr. Spera will provide detailed post-operative care instructions.

While incisions are necessary for the procedure, Dr. Spera’s expertise ensures they are strategically placed to be discreet, typically around the hairline and behind the ears. With proper care, these scars will fade over time and become less noticeable.

A Face Lift offers long-lasting results, often enduring for 10-15 years or more. While the procedure turns back the clock, the natural aging process continues. However, patients will always look younger than if they hadn’t undergone the surgery.

With over three decades of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Carlos Spera stands as a trusted name in Miami. His artistic approach to facial rejuvenation, combined with a deep understanding of facial aesthetics, ensures that those seeking a Face Lift receive the highest standard of care, guidance, and results.

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Dr. Spera

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