What causes gynecomastia and how to fix it in Miami

What causes gynecomastia and how to fix it in Miami

About a quarter of men are experiencing gynecomastia—an enlargement or swelling of breast tissues.  Cases of gynecomastia in Miami are drastically increasing over the years, mainly caused by hormonal imbalance. It can affect the breast unilaterally (one breast) or bilaterally (both breasts), which sometimes happens unevenly. Gynecomastia can develop on men on different age range caused by changes in their level of hormones, though other causes also exist. The following are the triggering causes of gynecomastia and the suggested treatments. Drastic hormonal changes: Most common cause Gynecomastia mainly occurs amongst males due to the decrease in the amount of testosterone hormone as compared to estrogen. This decrease can be caused by underlying conditions that block the effects of testosterone and increase the estrogen level. It is essential to understand that hormones—both the estrogen and testosterone—control sex characteristics on both men and women. The former controls female traits that include the growth of breasts. The latter hormone is responsible for male’s traits like body hair and muscle mass. Contrary to popular belief that estrogen is exclusive only as a female hormone, but men also produce it in smaller quantities. Now, gynecomastia occurs when men have a higher estrogen level or experiencing an out of balance with their testosterone level. Gynecomastia occurs on different life phases Naturally, gynecomastia occurs during a different period in a male’s life. These phases include after birth, puberty stage, mid-life, and beyond. Newborn boys are still under the effects of estrogen they received from their mothers while they are developing on their womb during pregnancy. More than 15% of males are born with enlarged breasts, and it goes away within two to three weeks after birth. During puberty—typically around the ages of 12 to 14—hormonal levels are drastically changing that enlargement of their breasts is evident. It usually goes away six months to two years after their puberty stage. Breast enlargement amongst men also experienced between the ages of 50 and 80, where about a quarter of men experience breast enlargement. Other trigging causes of gynecomastia Aside from hormonal imbalance, many other conditions contribute to gynecomastia: obesity, kidney failure, hypogonadism, liver disease, among others. Moreover, certain drugs can also trigger gynecomastia in addition to an excessive intake of marijuana, heroin, methadone, and alcohol. Treatment options for gynecomastia Gynecomastia usually resolves without undergoing any treatment, but there is an underlying condition that can cause possible risks in the future. Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgery in Miami recommends you to go for urgent treatment. Gynecomastia surgery—also known as male breast reduction plastic surgery corrects the underdeveloped male breasts. It also reduces and flattens the breast size that enhances the chest contours. The plastic surgery to correct gynecomastia in Miami is technically called reduction mammoplasty. In this plastic surgery procedure, medications like general anesthesia and intravenous sedation are executed by your plastic surgeon that depends on what is the best option for you. Liposuction technique, excision technique, or a combination of both will carry out to treat gynecomastia in Miami. In cases where gynecomastia is the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction technique is a preferred choice. On the other hand, when the glandular breast tissue or excess skin is needed to remove to correct gynecomastia, the excision technique is a preferred choice. Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgery in Miami administers the most appropriate technique in your case that will set on before your procedure. How can we help? Aside from the probable risks it could bring, gynecomastia can also cause emotional discomfort that impairs your self-confidence. Some men may even avoid doing certain physical activities, leisure, and intimacy to hide their conditions. If you’re considering getting plastic surgery in Miami to correct your gynecomastia, make a consultation at Dr. Carlos Spera—a renewed Plastic Surgeon in Miami and schedule an appointment now to avoid possible risks and to build your self-confidence!

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