What you should know about tempsure™ envi in Miami
What you should know about tempsure™ envi in Miami
As you grow older, your skin begins to lose collagen and elastin. As these proteins slowly produce in the body, it results in sagging and stretching skin. Visible signs of aging such as a turkey neck, a sagging skin, crow’s feet, smile lines, deep forehead lines, and wrinkles can make you look your age older, sometimes causing you to lose your self-confidence. Thanks to revolutionary plastic surgery techniques, these problems of losing skin tone, elasticity, and youthful glow can now be possibly be restored through TempSure™ Envi.
TempSure™ Envi in Miami is one of the most popular anti-aging cosmetic treatments at present. Dr. Carlos Spera—renowned plastic surgery in Miami understands that drastic measures like plastic surgery are not suitable for everyone. Patients in and around Miami are looking for a safe, non-invasive treatment that can able to give them back their youthful looks without compromising their time and expense involved in plastic surgery.
No Pain, Lots of Gain
With the revolutionary and advancement of technology, successful rates of plastic surgery are much higher more than ever. Undergoing TempSure™ Envi can now possibly make your face refresh and rejuvenated without making a step in the operating room.
The device stimulates collagen production by triggering the body’s response to repair your sagging and stretching skin by generating high levels of heat that penetrates your skin’s deepest layers. With the aid of TempSure™ Envi, you get a tighter, more toned complexion and smoother skin.
Moreover, FDA –approved TempSure™ Envi can provide skin-tightening results in as little as 35 to 60 minutes. It comes with no crucial side effects on the recovery process, so you can get straight back to your usual routine when you entrust Dr. Carlos Spera—renowned plastic surgery in Miami when you undergo TempSure™ Envi.
What to expect during the plastic surgery process?
Dr. Carlos Spera—renowned plastic surgery in Miami ensures that you are comfortable in the entire process, making you well-aware of the whole pace of the procedure. The plastic surgery starts by preparing your skin by applying a gel. Then the device will be programmed to the specifications for your treatment and holds a probe against your skin.
Patients who already undergo TempSure™ Envi in Miami can attest that the plastic surgery itself is almost entirely painless, albeit it delivers radiofrequency energy at a high temperature. Your body responds to the heat generated by the TempSure™ Envi device by sending growth factor hormones to the dermis, which improves your skin tone and producing new collagen. As a dual benefit, the heat coming from the TempSure™ Envi device causes your existing collagen to contract, which instantly improves your skin tone.
After treatment
There may be some evidence of little redness, but they are mild and fade away on its own within a day or so. Results are evident straight away. You can already feel some noticeable changes, such as a healthy glow and instantly tighter-looking skin.
However, Dr. Carlos Spera—renowned plastic surgery in Miami stressed that individual results vary from one patient to another, but your skin tone keeps improving as weeks go by.
Besides, Dr. Carlos Spera—renowned plastic surgery in Miami recommends you to undergo around six sessions with about a month apart depending on your treatment plan, your recovery process, and your desired results.
Are you planning to undergo TempSure™ Envi in Miami?
You can take control and regain your youthful look and confidence with the new and improved TempSure™ Envi therapy. If you are planning to undergo TempSure™ Envi in Miami, call or make an appointment at Dr. Carlos Spera—renowned plastic surgery in Miami now. We are anticipating your consultation soon!
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