8 Tips for a speedy recovery after a brazilian butt lift

- No sitting on your buttocks. Probably the hardest recovery tip you would receive from your plastic surgeon. It is essential if you avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for at least eight weeks after you undergo a Brazilian butt lift. Instead, put a pillow underneath your thighs and sit on the back part of your thigh, leaving your buttocks in the air.
- Avoid going to hot tubs and pools until it is fully healed. You should avoid soaking underwater. Stay away from the beach, paths, pools, or hot tubs during your recovery phase until you are completely healed. You can take a shower in the first few days after your Brazilian butt lift operation instead.
- Stretch your legs frequently to encourage speedy healing and prevent blood clots. Waking, along with stretching your legs frequently using specific exercises recommended will increase blood flow and decrease the possible risk of blood clots, which in turn helps speeds up the recovery process after undergoing Brazilian butt lift. Once your fat cells are properly established, Dr. Carlos Spera—renowned Plastic Surgery in Miami may now advise you to resume jogging or running.
- No nicotine and alcohol intake. Patients must stop drinking alcohol and smoking, which slows wound healing and can also increase the chance of underlying complications. These bad habits can also significantly affect the flow of your oxygen and nutrients to your bloodstream.
- Eat healthily. A good and healthy diet is integral in every plastic surgery procedure. Its importance is even more essential during the recovery process when your body is slowly being accustomed to the new changes. Take good fats, lean protein, fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy, and complex carbohydrates. Moreover, vitamins and minerals provide your body with the necessary fuel for you to recover quickly.
- Stay hydrated by taking plenty of water during your recovery period. As much as possible, you should stay hydrated by drinking water and other fluids to provide your body with essential electrolytes, salts, and minerals. This will be beneficial to your body and promote healthy healing.
- Wear loose-fitting garments. Compression garments are tight, compressive garments that fit around your skin to provide support for patients who gave to stand for a long period or have poor circulation. It is also designed to optimize results after undergoing a Brazilian butt lift. Plastic surgeons usually recommend the patients to wear the garments for three to six weeks.
- Obey all post-surgery instructions you receive from your plastic surgeon. For faster healing, you should follow all post-surgery instructions advised by your plastic surgeon. You should also attend all scheduled follow-up clinic appointments. Your plastic surgeon knows what is best for you, and so you need to follow as much as possible for a speedy recovery process.
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